Detailed, gorgeous, compelling listings for your vacation rental property can be your sales reps on steroids. This means doing much more than answering basic questions like, “What’s the maximum number of occupants?” Your listings should stop viewers in their tracks, stir readers’ emotions, and convert prospects into confirmed guests.
On the all-important visual side, professional photography tends to be well worth it. Pros use special lighting, high-quality camera equipment, and expert composition to put your property in the best possible light.
Listings written by professionals are also an excellent idea. Pros present facts while skillfully describing the experience. When it’s appropriate to “sell a dream,” they do it – without overpromising. As a result, a higher percentage of viewers convert into confirmed guests. And by providing accurate details on your vacation rental, you’re more likely to receive coveted five-star ratings.
As we said in Optimizing Revenue From Your Vacation Rental Property Requires More Than Airbnb, your listing can and should appear on 50+ sites, including the most popular online travel agencies.
Now, if you’re thinking all this sounds great, but you can’t imagine doing it yourself, here’s good news: the right full-service vacation rental management service can take care of all this and more. One Fine BnB uses professional photos to make your property look better than ever, the latest technology to optimize your listings (including dynamic pricing), and master calendar management to avoid double-booking.
We help homeowners grow their vacation rental revenue while they largely sit back and collect a check each month. Take the next step and schedule a complimentary consultation with One Fine BnB on optimizing revenue from your vacation rental property.